Monday, June 17, 2013


good evening everyone. Today i would like to tell you about something not very important, but this makes me thinking, what have you got until now?
as same as everyone, i was in elementary school for 6 years, middle school and high school 3 years each. But what have I got for that 12 years of learning? Knowledge of course. Experince won't be left behind. But what else? you think that what you've got in class is enough for change the world?
For sure the answer is, no. You can not change the wolrd by only learning in classes. You have to search for making you can change the wolrd. for example, organizations. it helps a lot. but it is just wasting time if you used that time just for having fun. No, you will regret then. how small you are in this world. how unappropriate you are if you being arrogant. you will regret and asking, do i capable to do this? you have to do something big. some babling will not help. searching for what's happening in world will help.
go find the world, and world will find you.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Master Entune (season 2)

hey, meet me again. As you know my last post was about my class' photos, aaaaaand i'm not done yet. there are dozens of our photos that i have. and here it is some of them, again:

we are good at birthday pranks :D

last assignment for Japanese lesson

bad time taking pictures

lookin like computer geeks -_-

and this too

but this is what we really do XD


left my laptop for an hour then found this -_-


what we have to do: practicing for play
what we really do: playing UNO

happy birthday Mrs. Iis {}

surely i still have a lot photos from the good until the ashamed one, be ready! xx

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Master Entune

Bagi lo semua mungkin ini judul yang asing dan aneh, tapi itulah nama kelas tercinta gue. Kenapa gue tiba-tiba ngebahas masa-masa ini padahal udah lebih setahun yang lalu kita pisah? karena ada suatu acar yang membuat gue inget masa-masa kita berjuang untuk menjadi sekarang ini. Dan tulisan ini, untuk kalian :)
Kenapa Master Entune? Sounds totally bizarre. Yes, it is an abbreviation, dari Master (Mayonaise & Cluster) dan Entune (Einstein & Neptune) Yang hanya lo perlu tau bahwa itu singkatan dari nama kelas XII IPA 1 & XII IPA 2, because it will take centuries to explain it out :D
So, here it is!
our dreams, YES.

never end love story (1)

JOGJA! (1)

JOGJA! (2)

never end love story (2)

study tour

graduation night