Saturday, August 3, 2013

To the biggest band on the planet

First I'd like to say thank you, I'm sorry, and congratulations. Thank you for holding on this far, it's been 3 years since this band are formed, and you guys stand still until now. I'm sorry if I or we even hurt u guys feelings, and I know this fandom done it a lot. And then, congratulations to all ur achievements, I can never be more proud. You guys dont even know me, but you make me proud.
Why? Because from you I learn to stand between rumours. I dont even understand how u guys still can make those adorable smiles when thousands of rumours are attacking you. I'm not talking about the good one because it doesnt give any bad affects, but I'm talking about bad, heartbreaking rumours. I, myself, when I hear a bit about me and it was bad, I dont know if I can take it for the next day. I cant sleep, only think about it. And that's only one single rumour. What about you? I know people are bad out there, they're making a lot of bad rumours, but you guys stand still. You hold on. Make sure we still can see those adorable smile. And also keep making good music and so on. So I'm gonna say thank you for standing still and holding on until now, and please, dont believe rumours, and I'd like to see more of those smiles.