Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Palembang へ 行った とき

Last Ied Adha, I got a chance to visit my mom's hometown, Palembang. Actually, I supposed to go there on last Ied Fitr, but that time it was impossible, so we, me and my family decided to go there on Ied Adha. Unfortunately, because of several things, only I and my mom whose finally go. And I got the chance to enjoy the beauty of Palembang, for almost a week.

it is only the inside view of the bus, but i think it's unique because you can see there are a lot of decorations. They play loud musics too

the outstanding Ampera bridge

With this, you can travel along Musi river and visit several places

a traditional boat, you can travel with it, too

a riverside restaurant

closer look of Ampera bridge
Benteng Kuto Besak or BKB. It was a fort back then, now it is utilized by KORPRI
front gateway of BKB

night view of Ampera bridge

There are a lot of other photos, but it was a little bit broken so I only posted these. Hope I can go back there again in the near future! cheerio xx

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