Saturday, July 28, 2018

Story of another R.

Maybe since that big thing happened, I’ve been giving life more attention. Not because I want to, but because.. I am preparing for the future. Since when that I always see the future, but never enjoy the moment? Everything is about ‘for me when I’m 25 so I’ll already have a permanent job’ ‘for me when I’m ready enough to be a wife’ ‘for me later on so I acn have something to tell’. But does this all really important?
Really, I should’ve just enjoy the moment, just let everything be. And I tried too. Am still struggling, but suddenly your spark hits mine. It feels so refreshing for someone who’s been feeling nothing these years. I’ve got my confidence back. I see the road clearer. I think I am happier.
But you are with somebody else.
It’s not your fault, really. But I am blaming myself, why did I fall for someone that I don’t even know? Why did make up stories in my mind about me and you? Why did I get my hopes high up? Why did I fall too easily?
I am sorrt I am feeling this way. I won’t take you. I won’t take anything. But please, let me be happy when I am around you. Please tell me you are okay with me being around you, and just be friends like I am with everyone else.
I hope I can be that with you too.
Thank you for coming into my life.
And God, please help me forget this feeling, because I know I can’t take something that’s already been others’.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

The story of RH

We maybe not meant together, but at least I want you to know you are special.

We met on August 2012. It was a coincidence, one of my campus project for freshman was to send a love letter for seniors, and you were there, so I chose you. It started when we say hello to each other, and that was the only time we speak to each other.

I can never make a move because I was shy, and I knew you were with someone. I was with somebody else too, but I will always look for you at campus. Your class is not my regular go-to way, but I will always make an excuse to always pass your class. You weren’t always there too, but if you were, seeing your from afar is enough. Seeing you laughing with your friends and colleagues is enough.

Aku sama kakak temenan di facebook dan twitter, tapi hanya di twitter kita berinteraksi. Dan itu pun ga banyak, hanya satu-dua reply tak lama setelah ospek, setelah itu tak ada obrolan yang bisa dilakukan. Aku pun sibuk dengan hidupku, sehingga perasaan untuk mencari tahu tentang kakak pun sudah tak sebesar dulu. Tapi aku masih terus lewat kelas kakak setiap pulang, agar paling tidak, bisa melihat kakak sebelum pulang.

Aku pun sudah lupa bagaimana ceritanya, namun november 2016, kakak lulus. Perasaanku campur aduk. Senang karena kakak lulus tepat waktu, tapi sedih karena berarti tak akan bertemu kakak lagi. Aku pun mencari cara agar pertemuan terakhir saat di wisuda, bisa menjadi kenangan buatku, dan mungkin buat kakak juga. Dan aku memutuskan untuk memberi kakak setangkai bunga mawar. Sekarang sempat terpikir aku menyesal, mengapa aku hanya memberikan setangkai bunga yang akan layu, tanpa surat apapun. Tetapi pesan dari kakak di instagram yang berisi ‘tadi ngasih bunga ya?’ selalu membuatku tersenyum, bahkan hingga saat ini.

Twitter dan instagram adalah satu-satunya platform tempat kita bisa bercengkrama. Selera humor yang sama (dan keinginan untuk ngobrol) membuatku mencari cara agar dapat mengomentari postingan kakak. Tetapi tahukah kakak, jika kakak yang melakukan sebaliknya, hatiku masih berdebar-debar dan bertanya-tanya, bahkan setelah hampir 6 tahun? Pertanyaanku selalu sama, padahal kakak tahu bahwa aku menyukai kakak (bahkan hingga kini, mungkin?) dan kakak melakukan hal-hal yang membuatku berharap? Aku tidak menyalahkan kakak, tetapi aku sangat bertanya-tanya, apakah kakak benar-benar tahu bahwa perempuan berumur 23 tahun ini, masih mempunyai perasaan ke kakak walaupun kecil dan tidak tahu apa?

Tetapi di balik itu semua, ada perasaan senang yang kurasakan. Karena hingga kini walaupun tak bertemu, masih ada obrolan yang bisa dilakukan. Masih ada postingan yang bisa dikomentari. Masih ada interaksi.

Terima kasih untuk semuanya, walaupun mungkin kita tidak berjodoh, ketahuilah bahwa kakak pernah bermakna dalam hidup seseorang.